diserap dalam bahasa Inggris
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound;
- kalor yang diserap: absorb heat
- dalam: bladder; came in; deep; in; inside; on; profound; within; depth; indoor; abyssal; abysmal; center; late; full; inner; in process of; busy doing; abstruse; half-way point; between; recondite; indoors
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- her body is there's some pretty coolMeme it
bahkan hari kemudian ketika diserap dalam tubuhnya ada beberapa pretty cool Meme it - even days later when it absorbed inside her body is there's some pretty cool
bahkan hari kemudian ketika diserap dalam tubuhnya ada beberapa pretty cool Meme it - 3.It is not absorbed in intestinal tract , which minimizes residues in human food from treated animals.
3. Ia tidak diserap dalam saluran usus, yang meminimumkan residu dalam makanan manusia dari binatang terawat. - 3. Reducing the size of the clusters of water molecules so that the water is more easily absorbed in the body.
3. Mengurangi ukuran cluster molekul air sehingga air lebih mudah diserap dalam tubuh. - 3, Reducing the size of the clusters of water molecules so that the water is more easily absorbed in the body.
3, Mengurangi ukuran cluster molekul air sehingga air lebih mudah diserap dalam tubuh.